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tv   Starting Point  CNN  March 26, 2013 4:00am-6:00am PDT

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-- let's make a plan. all right, the prosecutor in ohio who wants punxsutawney phil indicted for botching the winter forecast might actually be backing down. the groundhog's handler says he's the one who should be thrown under the bus, not poor phil. you know the than we're talking
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about, the man with the big hat and really thick gloves. now he's saying phil actually did predict six more weeks of winter but he, the handler, he misinterpreted phil's message. he didn't get the signal straight from the groundhog. and the prosecutor is now thinking maybe -- all right, that's "early start." >> "starting point" with soledad o'brien starts right now. our "starting point" this morning, breaking news. a stunner in italian court, a retrial has been ordered for amanda knox for the murder of her british roommate. this morning we're hearing from amanda knox, talking to her attorneys, live in rome. the other big story we're following for you this morning, thousands of people gathering outside the supreme court, justices will take up the issue of same-sex marriage. that starts in just a couple of hours. cnn's legal expert jeff toobin will tell us what we should be watching for. and then he's back. tiger woods says there's only one reason why he's number one
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in the golf world after a 29-month slump. >> a developing story. north korea saying it's going into combat-ready position. ready to attack the u.s. and american interests. we're live just outside north korea with details. plus, how much money were you making when you were 17? meet this british kid. his app just earned him $30 million and a job at yahoo. oh, yeah, he hasn't graduated from high school yet. >> tuesday march 26th. and "starting point" begins right now. we start with breaking news from overseas. italy's supreme court is ruling that american amanda knox must once again stand trial for the death of her former roommate. the decision came down about two hours ago. knox spent four years, you'll remember, in prison before an appeals court overturned the murder conviction in the 2007
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death of meredith kercher. sear kercher was found inside a perugia apartment, seminaked, had her throat slashed. knox returned to the u.s. in 2011 when her conviction was overturned. all this brings us right to cnn's ben wedeman who is standing by live for us in rome. ben, good morning to you. i know you had a chance to talk to amanda knox's attorney. what's been his reaction to the court's decision? >> yes that's carlo della vedova representing amanda knox. they're very surprised at this verdict. he said yesterday morning when he went in to the supreme court that they expected the acquittal, the october 2011 acquittal of knox to be upheld. this is what he said this morning. >> we're upset. but at the same time we're looking forward to read the motivation. we don't know exactly what are the motivation behind the situation. and we are ready again to fight.
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i spoke with amanda. amanda is upset, surprised. because we thought that the case was over. but at the same time, she's ready to continue on and win this fight. >> so, what we understand from the supreme court judges is that they have 90 days to publish the reasoning behind this ruling, after which the defense and the prosecution have another 45 days to make their arguments. so we're not -- the retrial could take place as early as this summer. but the wheels of the italian justice system do grind rather slowly. some lawyers saying they're expecting the retrial at the beginning of next year. soledad? >> so, walk me through how the italian legal system is different from the american legal system. as you well know, here in this country, that would be considered double jeopardy. to be convicted, and then have that conviction overturned would mean you wouldn't, i believe, be
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allowed to be retried for the same crime. >> that's correct. but the italian justice system is really based upon the principle that the defendants get every right to have their case heard. sort of the appeals system is much more lengthy. that is because after world war ii, when the system, or the italian justice system was being rewritten, they wanted to avoid the kind of kangaroo courts that existed under the fascist dictatorship of mussolini. so the courts can have endless appeals. we've seen in the case of former italian prime minister silvio berlusconi that you can be convicted. you can appeal. you can appeal again. it really is a system that makes lawyers very happy and very rich. soledad? >> ben wedeman. thanks, ben. appreciate it. back in september i had a chance to sit down with amanda knox's ex-boyfriend raffaele sollecito and i asked him about what he
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thought about the potential of a retrial. this is what he told me back then in september. prosecutors would like to continue with this case. and that's, i guess, in theory could mean you could go back to prison. >> it's far away, so it's not -- they can't do that yet. >> are you worried about it, though? >> well, i'm a bit worried. but i'm still -- i wrote the book because this has been an opportunity to make all the people understand the truth. if all the people realize the truth of this case, then i have nothing to worry against. because i'm innocent. >> that was raffaele sollecito. he had just written a book about his life, and the trial. be sure to watch cnn's latest on this story, of course. and then on friday night, anderson cooper has a special report called "murder abroad:
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the amanda knox story" at 10:00 p.m. eastern. another big court case we're following for you is the supreme court set to begin two days of arguments on same-sex marriage that will begin in just about three hours. people have been rallying since this weekend in anticipation of the court taking up an appeal of prop 8, california's ban on same-sex marriage. and then tomorrow the justices will hear arguments about doma, the defense of marriage act. the federal defense of marriage act. cnn's joe johns is live for us at the supreme court this morning. how's it looking, joe, good morning? >> good morning, soledad. people have been out here for days, as you said. they're waiting for a rally that's going to happen in just a little while. at the heart of this is a very simple question, is it okay for the government to discriminate? is it okay for the government to treat same-sex couples differently from straight couples? first up, a challenge to california's proposition 8 law banning gays and lesbians from marrying. on wednesday, it's the challenge to the federal defense of marriage act. >> i think it's very important
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to be a part of history. >> reporter: expected in the audience as a guest of the court, jean padraski and her partner. she's a lesbian cousin of chief justice john roberts. in a statement she said quote i feel confident that john is wise enough to see that society is becoming more accepting of the humanity of same-sex couples and the simple truth that we deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and equality under the law. how much roberts' personal relationships might affect his decision on same-sex marriage is an open question. an openly gay attorney has some insight, he argued one of the landmark cases involving gay rights, striking down laws banning sexual relations between same-sex couples. before that, he was also a clerk for justice louis powell. >> i think it has some impact on people to know family members and friends who were out and gay and happy and functioning in society. on the other hand, it's not by any means going to be a good
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predictor. >> reporter: the lawsuit against prop 8 is brought by california couples, who say they have a right to marry just like heterosexual couples. >> the term marriage is important. it has global recognition. no one celebrates a domestic partnership versary. they celebrate an anniversary of marriage. >> these cases are not likely to be decided until june. the court tackles these cases at a time when public opinion has really shifted on the issue of same-sex marriage. just a few years ago, most americans said they opposed it. now most americans say they're in favor of it. soledad? >> joe johns for us. thanks, joe, appreciate it. want to get some more on these two big legal stories with jeff toobin, cnn senior legal analyst. he's outside the supreme court for us this morning. so, jeff, let's start with the supreme court, since that's where you are. give me in a nutshell what both of those arguments are going to be. the core of those arguments that you think are going to be the most persuasive for and against.
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>> well, the question of today, today's case is about proposition 8. and this is really the more fundamental of the two. the question here is, does the constitution require that same-sex couples be treated like straight couples? is this case like the famous case in 1967 of loving versus virginia, the case that said states can no longer ban racial intermarriage. will the court say the same thing here? states can no longer ban same-sex couples from getting married. there are also various lesser steps they can take. they can take an approach that just affects california. they can find a procedural route to get rid of the case altogether without reaching the merits. but that's really the heart of the case. >> we're going to have an opportunity for those of us who are not at the supreme court to hear the audio of those very arguments. what are you going to be listening for specifically, not so much in the presentation, but really in the questions that the
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justices have for the attorneys? >> i'm going to listen -- i will be listening for what justice anthony kennedy says. i think we can fairly safely assume, based on prior statements, prior records, that the four democratic appointees, ruth bader ginsburg, stephen breyer, sonia sotomayor and elena kagan will all vote for marriage equality. will they get a fifth vote? the most likely person to get them a fifth vote will be anthony kennedy. he is a generally conservative, ronald reagan appointee, but he's the author of the two most important gay rights decisions at the supreme court. what will he say that signals which way he's leaning? >> let me ask you now about the amanda knox news which was breaking news right at the top of the hour for us. so clearly they're going to move forward with a new trial although ben wedeman thinks that it could be in awhile. could take them a little while to actually get to the trial. it seems clear that amanda knox is not at least now going to be going back to italy to be part of that trial. do they try in absentia?
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and could she be forced to go back and take part in that trial? >> first of all, nothing in this case is going to happen quickly. this is a case where time is measured in years, not in months. so the first point is amanda knox is never going back to an italian prison. that is just never going to happen. yes, in theory, it is possible that she will be retried in absentia. but in the unlikely event that she is convicted, and that conviction is upheld through many years of appellate proceedings, the odds against her being extradited. the extradition process is even slower than the italian justice system. this is -- she is never going back to italian prisons. this case is likely to kick around the legal system for a long time. but, in terms of the real world, she is never going back to prison. >> is that because she's amanda knox? or is that because -- or is it because extradition of anybody, let's say we weren't talking about amanda knox, we were
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talking about a drug kingpin who the united states was happy to turn over and send back to italy, wouldn't that extradition be much faster? you think there's a reluctance on the part of the u.s. to send amanda knox back if, if she were to be convicted? >> i think it's a combination of things. the extradition process is never smooth. you know, there has been a long dispute in the italian and american legal systems about a former cia agent who were tried in absentia in connection with the extradition after 9/11 of detainees in connection with e the -- the war in afghanistan. that has been kicking around the legal system for many years. this -- so is it amanda knox? is it just the legal system? probably a combination of the two. but you can be sure that she's just never going back. >> wow. two big legal stories to start our morning. good morning. >> all right. >> that's good. >> we'll be chatting with you later this morning. appreciate it. also, following a developing story out of north korea this
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morning, christine's got that. good morning. >> good morning to you. this story coming in overnight. north korea now saying it plans to place military units on combat ready status for possible strikes on u.s. bases in the pacific. the u.s. defense department this morning issued what's become its standard response, saying, quote, the u.s. is fully capable of defending ourselves and our allies against an attack by the dprk. we are firmly committed to defending the republic of korea and japan. cnn's matthew chance live near the north korea border. matthew, with so many threats coming from pyongyang, is there a sense that some kind of action from north korea is a matter of when, if not if? >> well, it's a good question. it's a very unpredictable regime, a very volatile regime. you're right, they're making threats almost on a daily basis against the united states and its allies in the region, particularly japan and south
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korea. you get the sense here that perhaps they're more bark than they are bite. it's a lot of bluster. and you get the sense they're not really capable of carrying out the kind of attack that they're threatening. of course, they may be physically capable but it's not something they want to do. the response would be absolutely overwhelming. nevertheless -- bolster the military alliance with south korea and they feel like they have to respond in some way so they use words. fortunately they have neither the will, the capability to actually follow through it seems. >> all right, matthew chance monitoring the story for us. there in south korea. authorities have now linked the murder of colorado's prison chief to a suspect killed in a texas shoot-out. tests show the gun evan ebel used is the same gun used to kill tom clements at his home two days earlier. ebel was an ex-con and a member of a white supremacist prison gang. investigators still trying to figure out if he had accomplices, and what the motive
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was. the dragon cargo capsule now headed back to earth. it separated from the international space station a short time ago. the capsule should splash down in the pacific after baja, california, this afternoon just after 12:30 eastern time. the unmanned dragon arrived at the station about three weeks ago with supplies for the crew. lottery officials in new jersey have $338 million jackpot to hand out. they're just waiting for the winner to come forward. this man, pedro quezada caused a frenzy at the passaic new jersey liquor store where the winning ticket was sold. quezada told everyone there that he is the winner but he did not have the ticket with him to prove it. >> there's always one of those. >> new jersey lottery officials say they are aware of his claims but until they see the winning ticket they aren't calling anyone the winner. actually i have the winning ticket. can i borrow $400,000, soledad? >> sure, as long as you really have it, christine, i'm happy to give you the money. every time there's always the guy or the woman.
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>> you're right. >> ahead this morning on "starting point," lots to talk about. tiger, for one. who's number one again. he'll tell you what is holding him back coming up next. and then $30 million and a new gig. that's what a teenager was given by yahoo! for an app that he created.
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if youthen this willbrids arbe a nice surprise. meet the 5-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max come. c-max go. c-max give a ride to everyone it knows. c max has more passenger volume than competitor prius v and we haven't even mentioned... c-max also gets better mpg. say hi to the super fuel efficient ford c-max hybrid. great first gig! let's go! party! awwwww... arigato! we are outta here! party...... finding you the perfect place, every step of the way.
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excuse me. tiger woods is back on top. he's reclaimed the number one spot in the world's golf rankings after winning the arnold palmer invitational in orlando. it's the third tournament win this year. and the first time he's been ranked number one since back in 2010. he says there is a simple explanation. >> i had to look at it. if i get healthy i know i can play this game at a high level. i know i can be where i'm contending in every event. contending in the major championships. and being consistent day in and day out. if i get healthy. >> bleacher report's andy scholes has more on that for us this morning. >> hey, soledad. you heard him say it right there if he got healthy he knew he could get back to playing at a high level. we've definitely seen that over the last few months. he's won six of his last 20 pga starts. he's already got three this year. but the thing everyone still wants to see tiger do is win that major. he hasn't won one since the u.s. open in 2008. the last time he won the
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masters, which was the next one was 2005. people still want to see them do that. all indications are that he is back, his game is good, he's putting well. his private life is stabilized as he announced just a week ago that he's dating skier lindsey vonn. after he won yesterday she tweeted number one. tiger was asked afterwards if there was any correlation between his successful play on the courts and him dating vonn. he said people are reading way too much into this right now. it's just that he's healthy. everything else seems to be wrapping up and going right for him at the same time. >> he's having a good week, isn't he, that tiger woods? all right, andy, thanks very much. still ahead this morning on "starting point," a teenager rakes in big money when a major internet company wants his app. 17-year-old's big pay day up next. it's not what you think. it's a phoenix with 4 wheels.
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it's a hawk with night vision goggles. it's marching to the beat of a different drum. and where beauty meets brains. it's big ideas with smaller footprints. and knowing there's always more in the world to see. it's the all-new lincoln mkz.
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welcome, everybody. let's intro the team this morning. richard socarides is with us, former senior adviser to president clinton. now a writer for also this morning, christopher
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john farley, senior editorial director of digital features at the "wall street journal" and editor of their speakeasy blog. and gloria reuben is back, this time on our panel. she, of course, is an actress and a philanthropist. nice to have you with us. christine romans is with us, as well. she's going to look at the day's business. >> good morning, soledad. stock market looks like it could rebound after those losses monday. the concerns about the eurozone still front and center. we're going to get some indicate to on the u.s. economy this morning. in particular the housing market. that could put stocks back in rally mode. the s&p 500 pretty close to record highs, about 13 points or less than 1% away. okay, yahoo's latest acquisition, an app invented by a teenager in england. the kid's name is nick delosio. he's 17. he's about to be worth tens of millions of dollars. yahoo reportedly just bought his company and the tech blog, and put the price tag at $30 million. he invented a news reading app.
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in december he told piers morgan how he got the idea. >> sure. i started programming when i was 12, and had been doing apps for a few years, and the way i thought of this idea is i was revising some history and i thought if i could build a piece of technology and take pre-existing content and summarize it and condense it, it would help people my age and everyone else consume it. >> the app takes articles, turns them into short summaries. nick still has to finish high school so he'll work from yahoo's london office. he'll be studying for his finals and working from yahoo and counting the money in his bank account. love that kid. >> when i was 12, i was listening to led zeppelin. i didn't even know -- >> you weren't programming? >> i wasn't. i should have been, clearly. >> it's like the cliff notes. >> for everything. for everything. and like sum of our news like some people think the news is like in too much of a summary
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session already. this is going to summarize it and condense it even more. >> can i still adopt him? is he too old to adopt? >> you'd be rich. >> i love that story. still ahead this morning on "starting point," following lots of breaking news that we'll be talking about. an italian court has ruled that amanda knox should stand trial again in the death of her roommate. what now? one of her longtime defense attorneys is going to talk with us coming up next. and don't blame the groundhog. we'll tell you about punxsutawney phil's handler says it is not his fault that he got the spring prediction wrong. come on, nowadays lots of people go by themselves. no they don't. hey son. have fun tonight. ♪ ♪ back against the wall ♪ ain't nothin to me ♪ ain't nothin to me [ crowd murmurs ] hey!
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following new breaking news this morning out of rome. italian supreme court judges say american amanda knox must stand trial for the death of her former roommate. knox spent four years, you'll remember, in prison before an appeals court overturned her murder conviction in the 2007 death of meredith kercher. joining us now to talk a little bit more about that is amanda knox's longtime defense attorney ted simon. first and foremost your reaction to what has now come out of the courts that, in fact, she will face trial again? >> well, i mean, i think amanda has really captured it in her statement. you know, it was very painful for her to receive this news. she continues to feel, as we do, that the charges are wholly unfounded and unfair. it was very reasonable for us to
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believe that after his appellate court jury had very, in a searching inquiry, looked at all the evidence in the case, whether it was the prosecution witness testimony, whether it was physical evidence or forensic conclusions, and openly determined that the true facts were much different as found, and that the evidence as found by the trial court was really absent, nonexistent, inaccurate or just unreliable, so there was good reasons to believe, after that very, very exhausting and searching opinion by the appellate court jury that her acquittal would be affirmed. but let's be clear. the supreme court of italy didn't do that much. they determined on a procedural grounds, and we still await their ruling, to send it back for revision. the appallate court, again, may simply continue to affirm her acquittal. her appearance is not required. and, in many ways, not much has
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changed. yes, there's a lot of fanfare, but there never was any evidence, and there never will be any evidence. >> well, there was a lot of fanfare -- >> these charges are -- >> let me top -- >> tease charges are simply unfounded, and the family who has demonstrated unparalleled grace and persistence and resilience and courage will continue to fight these unjustified allegations. >> so let's say -- >> i'm sorry, what were you saying? >> so my question to you was does she have to show up if this now goes to trial? and i know that it's a very long and slow process. does she have to physically appear? and would she physically appear? will she go back to italy in any way, shape or form? >> the -- the sending back to the appellate court, and their revision that they may undertake, does not require her appearance. so, that court will proceed, amanda knox and her family have always abided by all rules and regulations under rule of law -- >> is that the same thing -- is
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that the same thing as being tried in absentia as we who are not lawyers think of it? >> well, i think one has to look at this through the lens of the italian justice system. and we have to await the directives of the supreme court, and when they send it back to the appellate court for revision, then we'll know more precisely exactly what is required. but from what we know now, her appearance is simply not required, and that will proceed. >> let's say that were to change -- >> -- reason to believe -- excuse me, soledad. there's no reason to believe that any further review will result any differently. keep in mind, there was no physical evidence against her. and anything that was reviewed was considered unreliable, inaccurate, insubstantial, so what i'm saying to you is, while, yes, we would have preferred the supreme court to simply affirm the acquittal, and it certainly was painful for amanda to receive this news. in the bigger picture, these
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charges still remain just as unfounded, just as unjust, as they were before. >> right, i hear you, ted -- >> -- changed it on the substance of the case. >> except that but what has changed it though, as you well know, is that the supreme court did not confirm the acquittal. the supreme court did the opposite, which is now, why we're kind of where we are right now. so my question for you is, let me just ask you the question that i think everybody wants to know. does amanda knox ever -- >> they didn't do the opposite. they didn't do the opposite. all they did is sent it back for further clarification. >> so, does -- will she go back to italy? as her attorney, would you ever advise her, go back, face the court, or would you say, there is no way that you should ever, ever go back to italy, and in fact, extradition is so complex that it's better just to stay in the united states, or stay anywhere outside of italy and not worry about it? >> i can understand why you might pose that question. but that's not within the legal landscape at this particular time.
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we have to await the directive of the supreme court of italy and then we have to see what the appellate court does. as i said before, you know, they -- amanda and her family will scrupulously abide by the rule of law, and they are not required to appear for those proceedings. so let's not get ahead of ourselves. let's just see what happens, and we fully expect, because these charges are totally unfounded, they're totally unjust, and we fully expect that she will be exonerated as she was before. >> right. and i hear you on that, ted, but my question was if i were her attorney and you know -- >> i think i answered -- >> no, you did -- >> -- i'm sorry but i think i did answer your question as best as i possibly can. >> if i were her attorney, and i know about this much about the law, i would say, my client will never, ever go back to italy, because the extradition is so complex that i could just keep her out of that system. you're not -- you're not willing to say that at this point?
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>> well, i don't think that's what's in issue at this point. you're looking at it from the lens of someone in the united states. we have to look at it through the lens of the criminal justice system in italy. and because the supreme court has simply sent it back for further review, that review will be taken in the ordinary course, and a decision will be made. her presence is simply not required for that, and we have every expectation that upon that review, the same decision will occur. she will be found not guilty of this charge. >> we'll wait and see. it's always nice to talk to you. ted simon, of course, we appreciate your time in walking us through the really complicated international legal system. thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> got a little weather to talk about this morning. most of the country is cleaning up from a spring senator. >> a little weather to talk about this morning. it never goes away. if the weather were a football game winter would be flagged for a late hit. spring would be called for a
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delay of game. millions of people of another day of snow, slush and still nearly a week after spring officially began. cnn's martin savidge live for us this morning in chilly pittsburgh. good morning, martin. >> good morning, christine. the good news is that the snow that they predicted to fall last night, didn't. and some of the snow that came yesterday has melted. but it is so cold. and it's not just here in pittsburgh, but much of the east is freezing. and it's not likely to end soon. gone but not forgotten. the spring storm that dumped snow from the colorado rockies to the jersey shore is now a melting memory. but not before crushing snowfall records in parts of the midwest. in places like st. louis and peoria, illinois, records for march dating back a century or more were buried beneath a foot to a foot and a half of snow. springfield, illinois, got 17 inches. that's the most ever in a single day. according to the national oceanic and atmospheric at administration there was snow on
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the ground monday in nearly half of the lower 48 states. compare that to less than 8% a year ago. and the storm system had wide-reaching effects, making roads a mess. keeping airlines grounded. and delivering powerful thunderstorms, high winds, and cold air to the sunny south. in most areas the snow only added up to a few inches. but it quickly turned into thick, heavy slush. in pittsburgh, even the plows had problems. >> it's slippery underneath. it's a very heavy snow, even though the trucks are heavy it's pushing the trucks around a lot. >> reporter: snow blowers, bogged down. >> wet, heavy. so that was surprise. that shocked me. i didn't think it was going to be heavy. i thought it was going to be a lot lighter. >> reporter: snow remains in the forecast for the next few days leaving people here and elsewhere wondering whatever happened to that thing called spring. back here in pittsburgh, a 40% chance of snow today.
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40% chance of snow tonight. 30% chance of snow tomorrow. march comes in like a lion, usually goes out like a lamb. maybe just a lion all month long, christine? >> or polar bear. coming in and going out like a polar bear. at least you have a smile on your face. all right amazing video to show you. a transformer fire at a washington state power plant sends flaming mushroom clouds into the sky. it happened at a facility in washington. nearby homes were evacuated out of concern that there may be toxic pcbs in the transformer. but a spokesman said it was filled with mineral oil. the smoke was not toxic. boeing clears a big hurdle. it says it's 787 dreamliner's first test flight with a new lithium-ion battery went quote, according to plan. boeing says it wants the dreamliner back in service by may 1st. one expert told reuters it will probably be three to six months after that because the faa will want to make sure these batteries work as promised.
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regulators grounded all 50 dreamliners back in january after batteries overheated on two separate planes. all right, a pardon for the groundhog? the ohio prosecutor who wanted punxsutawney phil indicted for botching the winter weather forecast might back down. the groundhog's been made the scapegoat for the winter that just went quit. but, phil's handler now says the groundhog got it right back in february, and that he, the handl handler, is the one who blew it because he misinterpreted what phil was foreshadowing. now we spoke with the prosecutor who says he also thinks it's time to diversify into punxsutawney philous, because some of these guys have been getting the forecast wrong year after year after year. >> this is like a p.r. scam gone so awry. it doesn't end. now they're -- remember the one day you put the kids in front of the different. they're like oh, look the groundhog. >> two months later -- >> still in the news. >> completely let's move on.
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>> it's a groundhog. of course it doesn't work. >> makes sense to me. >> our meteorologist jennifer delgado said i would get my forecast wrong if you dragged me out of a hole in the morning and made me stand there and decide on the spot. >> seriously, wrong all the time. >> yes, exactly. >> meteorologists have science. >> science continues to -- >> p.r. scam, people. >> she's right. what she said. >> you can't trust anything anymore. >> p.r. scam from the punxsutawney phil people. anyway, ahead this morning -- >> who are those people? >> we're doing an investigation into cinderella story of college basketball, tiny florida gulf coast university makes it into the sweet 16. i love this story. we're live in fort myers with their story straight ahead. then jon secada has a new song
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[ major nutrition ] ensure! nutrition in charge! so it is a cinderella story of this year's ncaa tournament. a young team from florida gulf coast university has made its way to the sweet 16. florida gulf coast doesn't have a big reputation as a basketball school. the school was only founded in 1997, which is after most of the current players were born. the basketball program started in 2002. cnn's george powell is live for
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us in fort myers, florida, hey, george, good morning. >> soledad, good morning. yesterday we got to meet the team, got to talk to the coach. thousands of students packed into this arena here. but here's the thing. all the energy you would expect on a college campus like this in this situation, but fort myers, florida, this is more of a retirement community than a college town. but yesterday we saw a mix of all ages. a lot of excitement as this little-known basketball team makes the name for this school. a 15-seeded team in the ncaa basketball tournament, advancing to the sweet 16, they defied the odds. at a school most of the country had never heard of. even one of the team's star players admits. before you got the offer to come here and play, had you heard of fgcu? >> to be honest, i had never even heard of it. >> reporter: now florida gulf coast university is on the radar and everybody's talking about them. >> a lot of people in southwest florida hadn't followed this school until friday night.
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>> reporter: since defeating second seeded georgetown in their first-ever ncaa tournament game, then going on to beat san diego state, the fgcu eagles surprised everybody. >> everybody is so excited to see their little smalltown, and their community of fort myers be getting so much, you know, national attention. >> reporter: there's even a new rap song, renaming this school, and fort myers, for that matter, as dunk city. ♪ >> reporter: and then there's the story about the team's coach, a self-made millionaire, andy enfield left it all to coach basketball. >> we're up tempo on offense. we play a tough defense like florida state did. >> reporter: a lot of attention has not only gone to enfield and his team, but also his wife amanda markum, a former model who's appeared on the cover of maxim, magazine. and now this underdog story of his team is playing out on the tenth anniversary of the weekend enfield met his wife. >> we went to boston. i drove her and her friend from
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new york city to boston to go to the oklahoma state first and second round. and when i picked her up in the car, i didn't know her at the time. but i knew as soon as she got in my car it would be a great trip to boston. >> reporter: enfield eventually won her over and now his team is winning the hearts of fans who had never heard of this school. so again we're talking about the first 15-seeded team to advance on to the sweet 16. soledad, this is a big deal here, and really around the country. a lot of people are paying close attention to this school, and what happens friday when this team takes on florida. >> it's a big deal here, too. because all of our picks were destroyed early. now we're going to be rooting for that team. thanks, george. got to take a short break. still ahead on "starting point," international superstar jon secada is marking 20 years in the music biz with a new single. we'll see some of the highlights and some of the regrets of his career.
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>> we talked to john sectiada about his amazing career. >> crazy. >> how has your music evolved over the years? >> i love the fusion of everything that i grew up with and more at this point. i still listen to the radio. i love pop music, i love how new artists bring things. i have a passion to want to do that. >> have you recorded in english, spanish and even in spanglish.
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do you have a favorite? >> i grew up influenced by both languages. i sang in english first, immediately following, we encouraged the company to let me record in span. i had that kind of career. >> do you write differently in either language? >> when it comes to translating, which is more adapting, it does. you switch gears, you want to share that, whatever you wrote in the initial language of the song, that it has just as strong a meaning. i group listening to artists that were doing the same. gloria stephan, who i worked with many years. >> you are one of the rare artists who has recorded smash hits that you have written, your own songs and you have also
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written songs that were turned into hits by others, including gloria estefan and ricky martin. when you write a song and ricky martin turns it into a hit, do you wish you sung it yourself? >> that kind of scenario happened with one of the songs with ricky. i had a career as a solo artist and i wrote this song intended for my cd. in the midst of recording it, he heard it. doing his first cd and fell in love with the song. called me, and the other dayend day, i gave him the song. >> do you regret it? you may a little? >> it takes me back to how my career started, as a musician, as a producer, background vocalist. i was flattered. it was his, but i have always --
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always something i've balanced my career. proud that i can say i started as a blue collar musician in the trenches of writing songs and being there. >> i have to ask you this. last week, somehow, you ended up performing on the carnival "dream," one of the carnival cruise ships with a lot of problem. it was stuck in part in st. maarten. how did you end up on that? >> interestingly enough, the day o off, second morning, i was watching cnn, looking at the tv, wow, there is another carnival ship. must have been 9:00 or 10:00 in the morning. 12:00, 1:00, i get a call from the publicist, the senior vice president from carnival, they really wanted to do things that were special for everybody on
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board. somewhere between 1:00 and 4:00 or 5:00, we were able to put things together. to get me to st. maarten. a long ride from miami, but we made it. i was able to do that. and a very stunning thing, i got in very quickly, and the next day i was out of there. >> i love that man. ahead on "starting point," more on the breaking story. amanda knox, she has issued a statement. live italy with some developing details. every. and his hit show takes place in one of my cities, new orleans. and wendell pierce has a plan to bring healthy food to low-income
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neighborhoods. you're watching "starting point," back in a moment.
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. welcome or welco, everybody knox and her ex-boyfriend face a retrial. we have knox's reaction, live italy with the stunning details. other big story, an historic day that could lead to the change of the definition of marriage. developing story, north korea says it is getting ready for combat ready positions. we're live with details and the defense wants him to keep jodi arias off death row. but is the psychologist in this case too close to be trusted? >> how much money is spent in that case, amazing. we'll talk about that and much more, tuesday, march 26th. "starting point" begins right now. welcome, everybody.
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richard socarides, christopher john farley, a former classmate of mine many, many years ago. >> not that long. >> uh-huh. >> editorial director of digital features at the "wall street journal." and gloria ruben, actress and philanthropist. where do you focus your philanthropy? >> climate change. the italian supreme court rules that amanda knox must stand trial again in the death of meredith kerchner. at quital of knox and her then-boyfriend. raffaele sollecito has been turned over. it was painful to receive the news that the italian supreme court decided to send my case back for revision when the prosecutor's theory of my involvement in meredith's murder has been repeatedly revealed to
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be completely unfounded and unfair. i believe any question as to my innocence must be examined by an objective investigation and a capable prosecution. early their morning, i spoke with knox's attorney, ted simon, and this is what he told me about the ruling. >> there is no reason to believe that any further review will result any differently. keep in mind, there was no physical evidence against her. anything reviewed considered unreliable, inaccurate. insubstanti insubstantial. in the bigger picture, thighs charges just as unfounded, just as unjust as they were before. >> let's get to ben wedeman for more on this case. good morning. >> yes. good morning. that decision came out at exactly one minute after 10:00
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in the morning, and a lot of shock. we'd heard many of the lawyers for both amanda knox and raffaele sollecito, her former italian boyfriend, when they went into court, they expected the acquittal would be upheld. afterward, we spoke to one of amanda knox's italian lawyers. this is what he said. >> i didn't think she would come back. she is a very young girl and this has a psychological impact on her. for the time being, she is looking forward to having her life back in seattle. >> reporter: she is a free person now, but eventually when this retrial takes place, she may be requested to appear in an italian court.
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however, the united states has to receive an extradition request from the italian government and in the past, the u.s. has turned down some of those requests. soledad. >> ben wedeman for us. thank you, ben. you want to be sure to stay with cnn for the latest on this story. on friday, watch "murder abroad: the amanda knox story" at 10:00 p.m. eastern. this is crazy. >> we thought this was over. she was acommitted. in our system of justice, you wouldn't be un-acquitted. it is very rare, almost unheard of, that you would be retried for something you were acquitted on. really shocking. she's not going back, that's for sure. >> first of all, everything is different italy. >> they do have a beautiful country. >> and great wine and handsome men, which is very handy and
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helpful. i must say. >> but we diverge. >> but whether she is supposed to show up, whether her presence is requested or legally bound to show up or not. clearly if she's not supposed to be there or not requested, she's not going to go. nor would i even step back into the country, whether she -- no matter what happens with this, even for vacation or anything. plenty of other great places to see in the world, food, wine and nice men to visit. >> her lawyers will have her nowhere near italy. >> would it help? that's the question if a request comes in, they want her back italy, would it help her case to be there? >> the prosecution has been so odd. following this case since 2007, originally through the 2011 acquittal, if you look at it a lot of the things they point out as mistakes and errors on the part of the prosecution. even it it helps your case, i think it's such a crapshoot to some degree. if you were an attorney, ted simon wouldn't say it as her u.s. attorney, because obviously
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he's not in a position to say he won't extradite her, but you would have to imagine would you be crazy to do that. another court battle. we want to talk about this as well. the supreme court set to hear arguments for same-sex marriage. people have been rallying in anticipation over the day's arguments, prop 8, ban on same-sex marriage. the arguments will hear arguments on doma, the defense of marriage act. ahead of the doma argument, some senators are publicly announcing it. the huffington post is reporting that mark warner of virginia and claire mccaskill of new jersey voiced support for same-sex marriage and jay rockefeller of west virginia, tim john of south dakota, both say they no longer support doma. both supported it back when it went into law in 1996. before we get to the controversy over it, let's chat with the panel.
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this is something you have been working toward for years. both front before the supreme court today. today, same-sex marriage, tomorrow in doma. >> it's interesting that the senators are announcing on the eve of the argument. if you were in the process of evolving, if you have evolved like many americans have, today is the day to announce it, right? some sense that after today, it will be in the supreme court hands and people want to get on record. but it's a big day. i mean, the supreme court, big argument for the supreme court, probably the most important -- certainly the most important set of cases they will have this term, maybe in the last couple of years, as big as health care. it could really change things. the supreme court could rule there is a right to same-sex marriage in all 50 states or rule more narrowly. >> when senator portman says my son is gay and i have decided i support gay marriage, does that frustrate you as someone who has been sort of working toward acceptance of gay marriage over the last whatever number of
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years it's been a number? i think some people look at it as, well, now that it affects you and your family, suddenly you are really interested in thinking about this issue when it was not you, not your family, it didn't think it was something that was particularly interesting. >> it doesn't bother me at all. everybody is entitled to their evolution on this. all americans have had a journey on this. >> not all. if you look at the polls, not all. >> nobody started out there, right? people have to warm up to it, get used to it. >> 47% of people in the country are not there at all. >> the experience of senator portman and his family and his son are very similar to what other american families have gone through, as children, neighbors, coworkers have come out, been open and honest about sexual orientation, so i think their willingness to share their experience with us, the portman family, very brave, so i salute him and his entire family. >> i want to bring in gavin
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newsom, lieutenant governor of california. he was way back in 2004 when i was covering him as a reporter, he was the mayor of san francisco and he told the san francisco clerk to give wedding licenses to same-sex couples. a big controversy way back then. nice to have you with us. pleasure to see. you will be in court, what are you listening for to hear, not so much in the presentations by the attorneys, but to the kinds of questions that the justices ask? what things will be red flags for you? >> it goes to richard's point, which off-ramp to the court does the court take? just a narrow decision? a decision as simple as standing? rejected on standing base, or do we get to the eight or nine-state solution. a hybrid or middle ground related to sil unions and the nine states if you include colorado last week that fall into that category? or as i hope and as richard asserted, that we ultimately adjudicate as we should, as it
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relates to equal protection claus and the 14th amendment, set aside this issue in the context of a 50-state solution and move on to other issues. >> let's say, we move on to the three pathways. i have a graphic for those who don't know the case as well. i'll walk through it one more time. pathway number one. the supreme court says you can't withdraw a right once it's established. pathway number two, you can't have a civil union without marriage and that would highlight the eight, now nine states, and pathway number three is the one that you would most support, which is the all same-sex marriage bans are unconstitutional. what happens if pathway one or two are picked? would that not be a victory for you? >> certainly a victory for people in california. and a victokctory for the long t in california post proposition 8. remember, in november 2008, after we legally sanctions the
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california supreme court in may 2008, legally sanctioned same-sex marriage. 18,000 couples legally got married to see rights taken away on election day. the same election that president obama was elected. the question of that issue is very similar to the issue that romer in the colorado decision that justice kennedy adjudicated and wrote the majority opinion. back to your previous question, what am i looking to? justice kennedy in his questioning and whether or not the arguments and i imagine the making will very in line with the romer decision and whether or not kennedy's questioning suggests the per suasive nature of those arguments. >> when you were mayor of san francisco, many people believe you started all of this. by marrying people. could you have ever imagined in 2004 that we would be here
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today? >> not a chance. i would love to say that i did. i thought in my lifetime maybe. but the progress, we've seen the courage of people in elected office. it's alwaysese when are you out of office, but i subscribe, richard, to your point of view, i can't criticize anyone, particularly senator portman, who stands up and does the right thing, regardless of how they got to that decision. it's courageous, nonetheless. it's interesting to see everyone jump over, trying to get ahead of the decision as it relates to the supreme court. we're making great progress. regardless of what happens today and tomorrow with the doma adjudication in june. we have a lot of work to do. because a lot of people, regardless of court decisions, still aren't there and don't fundamentally appreciate the civil rights, human rights, and
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the human element associated with marriage equality. >> gavin newsom with us from the state of california. you haven't aged a bit since i covered him in 2004. my goodness. nice to see you. other stories making news, christine has that. north korea planning to place military units on combat-ready status for possible strikes against american military units in the pacific. north korea is angry over tougher u.n. sanctions. the u.s. saying the u.s. is fully capable of defending ourselves and our allies against an attack by the dprk. governor tim johnson is expected to announce his retirement today. if he is not running, he will be
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the fifth senate democrat to announce retirement. he was first elected to senate in 1995. survived a near fatal brain hemorrhage in 2006 and went on to win re-election in 2008. the streak continues. miami heat has won 27 straight games after cruising past the orlando magic last night. 108-94. the heat closing in on nba history. six wins away from the league record for consecutive wins, held by the 1971-72 lakers who won, in case you are wondering, 33 straight. >> i'm sorry. didn't i predict this way back when? >> you did? >> i did actually, when everybody was giving lebron james a hard time about going to the heat and a tough time getting going, i was the one. >> the knicks will stop the streak. it's going to happen. >> you think the knicks will stop them? >> they have a game scheduled,
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carmelo anthony, he will see this as a way. >> when is that? >> game number 31 -- 30 or 31 on the streak. >> i'm going to a game. >> they play the bulls too. >> the knicks. a new yorker. i have to root for the knicks. >> they have to defeat the spurs, knicks, bulls, before they get to 33. a long way to go before this happens. >> gloria, putting money on it? >> deal. i'll take that. still ahead on "starting point," he is the guy who might actually keep jodi arias off death row, but is the psychologist in the case too close to arias to be trusted to be impartial? a live report, straight ahead. and then the start of "tremayne" is using his power. we'll talk about a new supermarket chain. back in just a moment.
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welcome back, everybody. the jodi arias murder trial, in its final phase. the last defense witness taking the stand. on monday, a crucial witness for arias' ptsd defense faced a brutal examination. this trial has been going on for a really long time. but now they are coming down to what could or may not keep her from being executed in prison? >> it's getting very serious. you could hear gasps in that courtroom at certain points. the prosecutor taking on the key defense witness. >> she met that criteria. you can bang on it all you want, and still it's your judgment. >> reporter: prosecutor juan martinez hammering away at a key defense expert. psychologist richard samuels.
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>> you wouldn't see that, because you have feelings for the defendant. >> i beg your pardon, sir. >> reporter: martinez all but taunting the witness, telegraphing the yf idea that samuels cannot be trusted. he's too close to jodi arias. >> isn't it true in this case, you lost your objectivityity. >> absolutely not. >> objection. >> reporter: critical in explaining the 18 days of testimony and keeping her off death row for killing her on again/offagain boyfriend in 2008. >> dr. samuels a credit well witness. jodi arias doesn't remember the details of the killing. >> reporter: the trial is attracting snow birds like steve pinto from new jersey. he's been watching on tv since day one. today is his first day in court. he lined up at 4:00 a.m. why? what has hook you into it? >> because she looks so innocent. but the claims she made is very,
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very fierce. >> reporter: you don't believe she's innocent? >> oh, no. >> reporter: the level of interest here only grow are as the trial continues in the final phase. we expect can domestic violence experts to testify this week and into next week. and then we expect we'll hear closing arguments and then it goes to the jury. we are reaching the end. three months on april 2nd. >> it feels like it's gone on forever. >> still ahead on "starting point" who would mess with walter right? a script from "breaking bad" has been stolen. we'll tell you about that. we're here! we're going to the park! [ gina ] oh hey, dan!
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i really like your new jetta! and you want to buy one like mine because it's so safe, right? yeah... yeah... i know what you've heard -- iihs top safety pick for $159 a month -- but, i wish it was more dangerous, like a monster truck or dune buggy! you can't have the same car as me! [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. let's get a jetta. [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today. ♪ ♪
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here is a look at what's trending. "django unchanged." will smith tells "entertainment weekly" that he turned down the part because django was second fiddle. and he says he needs to be in the lead. >> chris is emotional center of that movie, the one who got the oscar nomination, not jamie fox. i think will smith gave a voice to what a lot of people were concerned about. jamie fox was not the center of that movie emotionally. >> true. something when you see a film
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obviously after it's been made and in the theaters, et cetera, heart to imagine somebody else doing the part have you already seen. i love will smith. i can't put his face in there. >> i thought jamie fox did a great job. >> no one questions he did a great job. will smith, thinking like a start, if i am in the movie, i have to be the center of gravity. spoiler alert. one of the -- one of the final episodes of "breaking bad" has been stolen from the car of the show's star. brian kranston. new mexico police say that the script was arrested. a suspect was arrested after bragging about it at a bar. the script has not been found. >> people really need to find
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something to do. >> if someone had stolen your script out of your car. >> right. well, you know -- >> you would be in trouble. >> that's the thing about these fantastic, scripted shows. where the audience is really captivated. every week you don't know what will happen. there are a number of shows that i love that are similar to "breaking bad." it would be devastating. because once the secret is out, it's out. everything do you now days, you have to sign a nondisclosure agreement. i can't even talk about it tenale salon or something. they will hunt me down and lock me away. it's a frustrating thing. >> you just made me feel terrible for bryan cranston now. >> put everything on your ipad, don't leave paper anywhere, and make sure your ipad. still ahead on "starting
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point," not even on the market yet and already one state is trying to keep drivers from using google glasses. i've been trying to get a pair to try them out. and jerry sandusky, making very strong denials from behind bars. we'll talk with jeffrey fritz, an attorney for a young man known as victim number four, ahead on "starting point." i'm a conservative investor.
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welcome back, everybody. italy's highest court is ordering amanda knox to stand trial for the murder of her former roommate. "it was painful to receive the news that the italian supreme court decided to send my case back for revision, when the prosecution's theory of my involvement in meredith's murder has repeatedly revealed to be
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completely unfounded and unfair. i believe any question to my innocence must be examined by an objective investigation and a capable prosecution." you will remember, knox spent four years in prison in 2011, before her murder conviction was overturned. she is not expected to travel italy for the trial. other news as well. >> the lost week of spring. the powerful snowstorm has moved out. but many parts of the country are facing another cold day. people from the midwest eastward are dealing with snow, slush, ice from yesterday. and parts of the south woke up to freezing temperatures. new developments from the deadly gas explosion in kansas city. six employees have filed a lawsuit. a gas company and contracting company are two of the defendants. the contractor laying fiber optic cable when a worker hit a gas line. the explosion came an hour later. more than a dozen people hurt. an extreme stunt cost a man
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from utah his life. authorities say the 22-year-old man died when he attempted to rope jump the corona arch, hundreds of people have done the extreme sport at the site after it was popularized by a youtube video the man, who was with five friends, miscalculated the high and used a rope that was too long. >> oh, my gosh. a massachusetts drug compounding firm, recalling more than a dozen products after an inspection turned up foreign material in vials of drugs. pallimed solutions recalled injectable drugs. they are used for treatment for ailments from nail fungus to sexual dysfunction. to date, no injuries or illnesses reported. people prone to cold sores may be more likely to develop alzheimer's disease later in life. there is a link found between the virus that calls cold sores
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and memory loss on cognitive test. it was greater among women with people with lower levels of education and among people who do not exercise. researchers say more studies need to be completed. and already, one state lawmaker is leading an to keep drivers from using this tech from behind the we'll. legislation has been introduced that would expand existing laws to ban texting while driving to using a wearable computer. he says they will be distracted by these kinds of gadgets. >> we are just steps away from having a chip in our head. >> turn off the car when i'm surfing the internet. >> a port where i can plug a mike in. >> people maybe if you are trying to get a date, you
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shouldn't wear google glasses. a. >> jim: -- a job enter view. >> a bluetooth on one, google glass on one. something very serious and bizarre. gary sandusky back in the news. words of the convicted rapist and pedophile. he declined, if you remember, to take the stand during his trial. a year later, he is still maintaining his innocence. talking to a filmmaker named jonathan ziegler. on piers morgan last night to talk about the interview and what he discovered during his interview. >> this is an interview he gave to an fbi trained investigator, former pless vepolice investigator, saying mike mccreary is lying this is powerful and proactively coming from a 24-year-old married sergeant in the marine corps at
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this time, coming out and saying, wait a minute. i'm not saying nothing happened in the shower. i'm saying had we known that on september 29, 2007, people would have said, wait a minute, a rush to judgment. >> wow. >> why is he yelling? >> speak so quickly. i say that as someone who speaks quickly. certainly energetic. the question to jeffrey fritz this morning. attorney for a young man known as sandusky victim number four. and nice to have you back talking with us. so you heard that clip, mr. ziegler says he has exculpatory information from the second victim, who never testified. what do you make of that display? >> good morning, soledad. the -- you know, the issue here, let's look at the source of this. mr. zeigler says he's putting together this documentary to search for the truth. it looks like it's more of a
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search for attention either from sandusky or ziegler. the fact of the matter there was a jury of sandusky's peers that convicted him of those crimes. to go back and rehatch this, just adds insult to injury to the victims. >> no one has really had an opportunity to hear from jerry sandusky and some of the -- some of what he says in the interviews and reading the transcript is just bizarre. it's so odd, i had play a clip of zeigler's conversation with jerry sandusky. they talk about the shower incident. mike mccreary witnessed. the tone was really, really odd. let's play that. >> you don't remember snappi ip towels yourself? >> i would have been more inclined to do slap boxing or something like that. and i'm not sure. and i remember, he always, no matter, he's always get the last
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lick in. he would get the last lick. and then i would chase him like. and i ran into a wall, but then i was like pulling him back to go back into the area of the shower where we were showering, and then that was it. you know, i never saw mike mcqueary. i don't know whether the young man saw him. i don't know. >> you're sure you never saw mike mcqueary? >> i'm sure. >> i guess it's so interesting. ziegler focuses on did you see mike mcqueary, but the description of the scene from jerry sandusky himself that is so disturbing i thought. >> it is disturbing and it would be disturbing either for that victim or any victim or any survivor to hear the constant denials from jerry sandusky. not surprising to hear him say and characterize things the way
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he has done. he's maintained through his lawyer publicly that this was just all horsing around incident which is just ridiculous. but keep in mind, in his mind, he views the rape of a child to only be horsing around. so it's not surprising, but it is frustrating and disturbing for the victims to hear that and hear that coming from him. >> ziegler says his entire point in all of this is less about jerry sandusky and more about joe paterno, and clearing his name by stopping a rush to judgment. is there evidence he's done that through this interview? >> i don't think so. fact of the matter, judge louis freeh, he relied upon multiple witnesses, black and white evidence, documentation, e-mails, undeniable about what penn state knew about jerry sandusky. now, there is a middle ground
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here. if joe paterno didn't know exactly what to do about that information that he learned from mcqueary, that's a failure of penn state as an institution in protecting the safety of children. >> we have the attorney for a young man known as victim number four. thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you, soledad. >> have to take a break. "starting point" back in a moment. easter's here, and i'm with janette talking about
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the walmart low price guarantee. that's your receipt from another store? yep. let's go! check out that price. that's walmart's every day low price. that's what i'm talking about! yes, yes! oh my goodness! that's the walmart low price guarantee! bring in your last grocery receipt and see for yourself. save more on the candy your family loves. with low prices on reese's eggs and bunnies, cadbury creme eggs, and all their hershey's favorites. get more easter for your money, guaranteed. with our low price guarantee backed by ad match. walmart.
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welcome back. you are watching "starting point." you know wendell holmepierce fr shows like "treme." now he's opening a grocery store to provide fresh, healthy alternatives in low-income neighborhoods, or what they call food deserts. nearly 60% of residents have to travel more than three miles to reach a supermarket. nice to have you with us, wendell. talking about my favorite city, the world. new orleans. >> thank you very much.
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>> we talked about the degree to which these food deserts exist across the country. post-katrina, it's even more complicated about bringing fresh produce, healthy food to people, hasn't it? >> yes. you know, food deserts are an issue across the country, and not just low-income neighborhoods. we have new orleans east, still looking for commercial districts to come back and it's something for me shouldn't be part of the american landscape. the first lady put out a call of action to go toto put in these
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stores. >> tell me about this. >> people have been going outside of their neighborhoods to grocery stores. but american industries wouldn't come to their community. that is an emerging market. we go into india, we go into china. those are emerging narcotics and i felt as though in our underserved community. we should see that as an opportunity. to do well and good. >> great to make this food available, and what else we do, make awareness available to kids, young people, should be eating this kind of fresh food. especially grade school kids, high school kids, i see among my son's peers, drinking sports drinks instead of water, milk. >> and it's a huge problem in your state, certainly. in the state of louisiana. >> right. yes. >> definitely.
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i'm a part of a board, the alliance for healthy generation. which is soul purpose to end childhood obesity. hunger comes from the fact that there is lack of food access. lack of food justice. go into community, give people a choice. this is the social justice movement of the 21st century. we have american neighborhoods, american communities to not have access to fresh food is something that is unacceptable. >> the way you've worked it out. it will be a percentage of the intake for the store over a certain number. right? give me a sense. are you in a low-income area across the mississippi river and a quarter of the households have an income of less than $25,000. >> yes. we look at low, average median
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income in the neighborhoods we are launching our first store in, and we're going into an area where other businesses have stood on the sidelines, they didn't see the demand we saw. and our landlord has given us the benefit of a decent rent, where they are meeting us halfway. if we changed the paradigm and come in and take the risk for other businesses are risk averse, meet us halfway, and they are incent vised to bring us in, he is incent vised to bring us in. we share in federal and local dollars, and the federal dollars that come from the food trust to incent vise american businesses to take the step we're taking. that's what we want to get it work. we change the paradigm, everybody has skin in the game and we can change what's happening in this the community. >> what will make people choose fresh food over a snack food,
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whenll of the snack food companies have the marketing behind their products? >> first of all, that sort of study of human behavior is something we're all searching for, you know, what makes people make a good choice over a bad choice? the first thing you have to have is the ability to make the choice. if you don't have the store there, don't have access to fresh foods, fresh produce, fresh fruit to make better choices, you will choose what's available to you, fast food, processed food and that's where bad choices come from. when you look at hunger, even, you know, it's because you don't have the choices and you make those bad xhoiss, the only thing that's affordable to you, is something that -- that is not good for you. and that's the first step you have to make. even before what changes future behavior, we have to give people the choice and that's what sterling farms available.
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>> one of four grocery stores. congrats. always nice to check in with up a new show with michael j. fox. plays an anchor. and you play the news director. what's the name of the show. >> i play the news director. that's going to be in the fall. in the fall on nbc, with michael j. fox. he's a news anchor, coming back. he has parkinson's and i'm trying to get him back in the newsroom, i'm the news director. and it's called "the henrys." i'm looking forward to it. >> wendell pierce, always great to have you. thank you. >> you bet. still ahead, making to the nbc was a dream for chris wright, then he learned he multiple sclerosis. his story, next. you're watching "starting point."
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dallas mavericks, but make no mistake, chris wright is a trailblazer. the first to play with multiple sclerosis. >> with less than three minutes left against the hawks, dallas point guard chris wright is in the game. playing in the nba has been his life long dream it almost didn't come true. >> my whole right leg went numb, right foot went numb, basically went all the way up to the right side of my body. >> last year, wright was diagnosed with multiple scleros sclerosis. ms, a disease that damages the protective covering of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. a disease he had never heard of. >> i do what i have to do to maintain my life. >> doctors told wright he would never play basketball again. but he responded well to
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treatment and less than three months after his diagnosis, wright was back on the court. he made history when he signed a ten-day contract with the mavericks. becoming the first person to play in the nba with ms. wright doesn't believe this was the last time he will play in the nba. >> everything happens for a reason, and everything you go through is not a coincidence. >> monthly treatments keep him ms from progressing, and he's not shying away. he's proud to be the face of ms. >> don't be afraid to step out, do what you want to do. that's my message to everyone ahead. don't let the disease define the rest of your life. >> dr. sanjay gupta. >> "end point" up next. back in a moment. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios
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